Rebecca S. Cohen, a graduate of Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, has explored myriad aspects of the art world. Following a brief stint as an art teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System, she moved to Austin, Texas where Cohen served as a member of the University of Texas Fine Arts Advisory Council and Laguna Gloria Art Museum board member and museum president. In 1983, she founded R.S. Levy Gallery where, for eight years, Cohen served as director before launching her career as an art consultant, freelance arts writer, and author of ART GUIDE TEXAS, published by the University of Texas Press.

Finally, after many years working with, representing and writing about artists, Cohen returned to making art herself. She began by taking and printing digital photographs, then cutting, reassembling and coating the resulting images with encaustic (wax). Collage was the means through which Cohen found her unique voice and continues to be her preferred medium.

Cohen has exhibited numerous times during the East Austin and Placitas Studio Tours, at Austin’s Shoal Creek Gallery, Moore College of Art and Design, the Albuquerque Museum of Art, and Fusion in Albuquerque’s Arts and Cultural District. Recently, her work was selected for purchase by the state of New Mexico’s Department of Cultural Affairs.